Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nothing new....

I had my OB appointment today. I had my Beta Strep test. He said if it comes back positive that just means I'll have to take antibiotics when I'm in labor. They did the test earlier in my pregnancy and it was negative, but they like to check again as you get closer to delivery.

It was kinda funny today because when the nurse brought me into the room, she gave me a sheet and told me to get undressed from the waist down. Well, the sheet they give you is only big enough to lay on your lap, you can't really wrap it around your body. So as I was sitting on the table waiting for my OB to come in, I kept pulling my shirt down in back and thinking "oh no he's going to see my butt crack when he walks in..." And then I realized, dude, he's about to get up close and personal with my hoo-ha, and I'm worried about a little butt crack showing? Pretty funny the things we worry about.

I go back in 10 days for my next appointment, and then it will be every week after that. We're entering the home stretch!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We're all moved in to the rental house! It was much easier than I thought it would be and we love our new temporary home.
Roxy's nursery has been finished for about a week and I finally got around to taking some pictures today.
I have an OB appointmet tomorrow so I'll update again after my appointment.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Keep Doing What You're Doing......

Nothing really new to report. I failed my original Glucose Tolerance test and they sent me to the hospital to take the 3 hour test. I had read that a lot of women fail the one hour test and then go on to pass the 3 hour, so I wasn't that worried.

The drink for the 3 hour test was actually much better than the 1 hour test, so I was happy about that. The only pain in the butt was that I spent four hours at the hospital and had my blood drawn numerous times. It really was pretty painless though, and the OB said I passed the test with flying colors and my levels were no where near having Gestational Diabetes. Yay!

I had another OB appointment on Monday and it was more of the same. The OB said he'll continue to see me every two weeks until I have a month left, and then he'll start seeing me every week. I go back in 2 weeks and they'll do my Beta Strep test at that appointment. The OB said this continues to be a super easy pregnancy and to keep doing what I'm doing. I feel really lucky that this pregnancy has gone so smoothly. I still feel great and I'm moving around with ease. I sleep straight through the night and my hormones are completely normal. I'm a happy pregnant girl! :) If it wasn't for this beach ball in front of me, I wouldn't even know that I'm pregnant. She really does look like a beach ball at this point too. Totally round and located smack dab in the middle. I hope she doesn't drop until the very last moment because I kind of like how she looks right now.

This Saturday we'll be moving into our rental house so that the builders can start the renovation on our house! Which means this Saturday evening I'll be starting on the nursery. So excited! I'll be sure to post pics when it's all finished.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

No News is Good News....

Monday I had my monthly visit with the OB. I had to take the Glucose Tolerance Test. At my last appointment they gave me this little bottle of orange liquid, it looked like gatorade. Harmless enough I thought.

Little did I know.

45 minutes before my appointment on Monday, I had to drink the orange liquid in it's entirety within 5 minutes, and then record my finish time. The first sip really wasn't so bad, but after that it was all downhill. I had to chug it and I honestly didn't think i was going to get it down without it coming right back up and into the toilet.

Then about an hour after finishing the drink, they drew some blood to test for Gestational Diabetes. They told me "no news is good news" so if I didn't hear from them everything was fine. I haven't heard from them yet so let's hope I passed the test!
They also tested my thyroid again to make sure that I don't need to adjust my medication.

I now have to go back every 2 weeks, and the doctor told me to expect the baby to gain about 5 pounds in the next month or so. He said I'll notice my belly getting bigger everyday.

My next appointment is on March 2nd.

We're getting close!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

3D/4D Ultrasound

I haven't updated in a while because nothing new has really been happening. The pregnancy is moving along smoothly and my OB says I'm making this look so easy. (knock on wood)

But today I have new pictures to post!

Yesterday we went to have our 3D/4D ultrasound and it was AMAZING. The place we visited didn't feel like a clinic or doctor's office in any way. It was set up more like a spa. We walked into the room and there was a big couch for your guests, and then a nice comfy bed for me. The lights were dimmed and there was a big screen plasma tv mounted on the wall in front of me so that everybody in the room could see what was going on with baby.

As soon as the ultrasound tech put up the first 3D image, Mark and I got tears in our eyes. It was just so surreal to see a picture of Roxy that ACTUALLY looked like a baby. It made it seem so much more real to me. She's so cute. She has these chubby little cheeks already, and I'm pretty sure she has my lips. She had the hiccups in there which was hysterical to watch, and she even yawned at one point. It was so cool. I wish I could do it once a week!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year!

This is the Bassinet we chose. Cute, right?

I hope everyone had a great time over the holidays. Alexis had plans with her friends for New Year's Eve so Mark and I had a nice quiet dinner out and then I was in bed early. Surprise, surprise.

New Year's Day we went to Babies R Us and registered which was SO....MUCH...FUN! There are just so many cute things to buy for baby. We picked out all the big pieces we want like the swing, high chair, pack and play, bassinet...etc. But we didn't buy anything yet because I'm trying to hold off as long as possible since we really don't have any place to put the baby's things right now. So I just added it to my registry for the time being. A lot of the things I picked out are out of stock, so if they come back in stock I may have to just go ahead and order before they run out again. We'll see.

Someone told me that anything that's still on your registry after your due date, you can purchase for 10% off. So right before the baby is born I'll have to go add tons of stuff that I know I'll need like diapers and toiletries so that I can get a nice discount on them after the baby is born. :)

It's a relief to have all the big things picked already. Now the only thing I need to decide on is the crib, changing table, and glider. Alexis and I plan to go shopping on Saturday and hopefully we'll find something we like. I'll post pictures if I find anything cute.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I went to the OB today for my monthly check up. It was another super quick visit. They listened to the heartbeat and the baby kicked the heart rate monitor! So cute.

Tomorrow we leave for California to spend Christmas with my brother and sister in law. I'm so excited to get out of this freezing cold weather for a little while. My sister in law is pregnant too and due around the same time as me, so it will be fun to have two pregnant women waddling around together! (Ok, we're not really waddling yet, but it sounds cute.)

Since I won't be posting another blog until after the holidays, I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!