Monday, November 24, 2008


Nothing new to report from my doctor's appt. today. It was the fastest appointment I've ever had. I went in, they checked my blood pressure, listened to the baby's heart, and said come back in 4 weeks.

I'm super excited about Thanksgiving this week. This will be the only year that I can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner without worrying about looking pregnant afterwards! :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Placenta Previa Update

So today was my first follow up visit at the hospital to check if there's any movement with my placenta. They told me to come in with a full bladder so they could see things more clearly, and since last time my bladder wasn't full enough I kind of over did it this time. Man, I thought I was going to EXPLODE by the time I laid down on the table. And then she started pushing down on my bladder and I prayed that I wouldn't pee in my pants. Good times, good times.

Anyhow, the placenta has only moved a tiny bit, but it moved so that's a good sign. We're hoping that it will have moved up a lot more by my next appointment in December.

I was hoping that we'd be able to see if it's a boy or a girl today, but we couldn't get a clear enough picture of that area. The technician says she feels like it's a girl because she couldn't find anything that resembled a twig and berries....but she said "don't buy anything yet."

So I guess we'll have to wait a little longer.

The little bugger was bouncing all around again today, and when the technician printed the picture, baby was laying on it's belly. So we got an interesting pic today of the
baby face down.
My next appointment is with my OB on Monday, and then I go back to the hospital for my anatomy scan on December 18th.