Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I went to the OB today for my monthly check up. It was another super quick visit. They listened to the heartbeat and the baby kicked the heart rate monitor! So cute.

Tomorrow we leave for California to spend Christmas with my brother and sister in law. I'm so excited to get out of this freezing cold weather for a little while. My sister in law is pregnant too and due around the same time as me, so it will be fun to have two pregnant women waddling around together! (Ok, we're not really waddling yet, but it sounds cute.)

Since I won't be posting another blog until after the holidays, I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's a Girl!

I just got back from the hospital, and the ultrasound technician said IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!
So on May 6, 2009, we will be welcoming Roxy Madison Ostrov into the world! I'm so beyond excited! They did the anatomy scan today and checked all of her organs and everthing, and it all looks perfect! AND to top it all off, my placenta has moved up a lot more. So she said all I need to do is grow some more and the placenta should be completely out of the way.

I'll scan the new ultrasound pics and post them later today. She looks adorable already.

I have an appt. with my OB on Monday so he should be giving me the detailed results of the NT scan I had a few months ago, but the ultrasound technician said everything came back fine.

So this is a very happy day for us and I can't wait to start shopping now that I know what I'm having!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Baby's First Kick!

Yesterday I felt the baby kick for the first time! I've actually been feeling movement for quite a few weeks now, but it has been more like a fluttering feeling. Yesterdays kick was very strong though. I was so excited that I woke Alexis up to see if she could feel it too, but no such luck. I guess we'll have to wait a little longer before Mark and Lexi can feel the kicks on the outside of my belly. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the feeling immensely. I hope baby kicks the crap out of me today.